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Agreement Reached for TK Unified Autonomous Body to Launch in July 2026… Rushed Implementation Controversy

Is TK Integration, Ignoring Residents' Opinions, a Political Collusion by Lee Cheol-woo and Hong Joon-pyo?

[Kimcheon=Hwangak News] On the afternoon of the 4th, at a four-party meeting held in Seoul, North Gyeongsang Province Governor Lee Cheol-woo and Daegu Mayor Hong Joon-pyo discussed plans to promote the integration of the TK region. However, this integration is criticized for being a political collusion carried out without the consent of the residents.

Governor Lee Cheol-woo and Mayor Hong Joon-pyo emphasized the necessity of integrating Daegu and North Gyeongsang to secure new growth engines and enhance regional competitiveness. However, there are criticisms that it is being pushed forward hastily without gaining any consensus from the residents.

Minister of the Interior and Safety Lee Sang-min and Woo Dong-gi, Chairman of the Committee for the Era of Local Governments, expressed their agreement on the necessity of integration to overcome issues such as population decline, regional extinction, and concentration in the capital area. However, during this process, residents' opinions were thoroughly excluded, and suspicions of political collusion between Lee Cheol-woo and Hong Joon-pyo under the pretext of integration are growing.

Although a four-party meeting for the integration of Daegu and North Gyeongsang was held, many criticize it as a mere political show rather than substantial discussions. Mayor Hong Joon-pyo recently suggested naming the integrated municipality 'Daegu Direct-Controlled City,' but Governor Lee Cheol-woo countered that forming a consensus among the residents is the priority. This power struggle raises questions about the effectiveness of the integration.

There are significant doubts about whether the integration can succeed without bold devolution of authority from the central government. In the past, there have been almost no cases where local governments received the level of authority they desired. For TK integration to succeed, clear economic benefits, administrative restructuring, and persuasion and consensus-building among residents are necessary, but such plans are currently lacking.

As such, TK integration is being hastily handled amidst suspicions and criticisms that residents are unaware of the details and that it is merely a political ambition and show by certain politicians without residents' consent. This approach is unlikely to yield substantial effects and will likely only increase dissatisfaction and opposition among local residents.

In the local political scene, the prevailing view is that it will ultimately end up as a political show to raise the profile of the two regional leaders. The primary reason is that it is expected to be blocked by the opposition of National Assembly members with keen political interests, failing to pass the National Assembly threshold.

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±è¼­¾÷ ´ëÇ¥±âÀÚ  hwangaknews@naver.com

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