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  • ½ÂÀÎ 2024.05.22 09:29
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Daegu-Gyeongbuk Integration Theory: Is It Feasible?

Recently, the integration theory of Daegu and Gyeongbuk has been repeatedly highlighted in the media. This theory, led by Gyeongbuk Governor Lee Cheol-woo and Daegu Mayor Hong Joon-pyo, aims to maximize the synergy effect through regional cooperation and promote economic and social development. However, there are many skeptical views on whether this integration theory truly represents the interests of local residents and whether it is feasible.

Firstly, there is a question of how many concrete plans and feasible measures have been presented each time the integration theory is proposed. Although Governor Lee and Mayor Hong emphasize the necessity of integration, they fail to provide clear answers regarding the detailed roadmap and financial and administrative integration measures after the merger. This ultimately risks the integration remaining a mere slogan.

Secondly, there is a high possibility that the integration theory could be used as a political issue. Both Governor Lee and Mayor Hong are individuals with their own political objectives. There is a question of whether their aim through the integration theory is genuine regional development or strengthening their political positions. If the integration theory is used as a means for political purposes rather than improving the quality of life for residents, it will ultimately only cause confusion in the local community.

Thirdly, integration that does not consider regional interests and cultural differences could lead to conflicts. Despite the geographical proximity, Daegu and Gyeongbuk have different histories, cultures, and economic structures. Simply merging administrative districts while ignoring these differences is likely to result in formal integration rather than substantial integration. This could instead exacerbate conflicts among local residents.

In conclusion, unless the Daegu-Gyeongbuk integration theory is accompanied by sufficient discussions and concrete plans, its feasibility is low, and it could potentially have negative impacts on the local community.

Governor Lee Cheol-woo and Mayor Hong Joon-pyo should thoroughly review the necessity and feasibility of the integration theory and gather opinions from residents before pushing it forward.

#HwangakNewspaper #DaeguGyeongbukIntegrationTheory

±è¼­¾÷ ´ëÇ¥±âÀÚ  hwangaknews@naver.com

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