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±èõ»ó¹«ÇÁ·ÎÃ౸´Ü, 2024½ÃÁðÀ» ÇâÇÑ »õ·Î¿î ºñÀüCI ¹ßÇ¥
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  • ½ÂÀÎ 2024.02.06 19:50
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±èõ»ó¹« 2024 CI/Ȳ¾Ç½Å¹®

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Kimcheon Sangmu Football Club Announces New Vision CI for the 2024 Season

On the 6th, Kimcheon Sangmu Football Club unveiled its new Vision CI for the 2024 season, which aims to unite fans (citizens), the team, and the front office through soccer to create a happy Kimcheon city. The vision, centered around "Becoming One through Soccer, A Happy Kimcheon," reflects the club's ambition to foster unity with the citizens of Kimcheon and contribute to the local community.

The revealed Vision CI is composed of design elements that symbolize the club's identity. At its core is the slogan "Becoming One through Soccer, A Happy Kimcheon," representing the club's key value. The top features a design that symbolizes the unity of the team and fans, aiming to achieve their goals together. The CI's background and shapes consistently use the club's tone and manner as well as the emblem, emphasizing the continuity of core values and direction, and highlighting the club's unwavering strength.

The new Vision CI can be seen at Kimcheon Stadium, and it will be utilized in various events including upcoming home games and stadium tours, decorating the stadium with new flags and banners. Through this, Kimcheon Sangmu aims to deliver happiness to citizens and fans in the 2024 season, continuing its fan-friendly activities and community contributions from the previous season.

Furthermore, Kimcheon Sangmu plans to sequentially reveal the 2024 season uniforms and numbers on the 7th and 8th, raising anticipation for the new season. With the unveiling of the Vision CI, Kimcheon Sangmu Football Club is set to further strengthen its close connection with the local community through soccer, aspiring to achieve the goal of uniting and bringing happiness to all citizens of Kimcheon through the sport.

#Ȳ¾Ç½Å¹® #±èõ»ó¹«

±è½ÂÀç ÃëÀç±¹Àå  apata77@hanmail.net

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