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Kimcheon City Facility Management Corporation Marks 3rd Anniversary, Declares New Commitment to Consumer-Centered Management

The Kimcheon City Facility Management Corporation held a ceremony at the Kimcheon Indoor Swimming Pool on the 2nd to celebrate its 3rd anniversary and newly declared its commitment to consumer-centered management.

The event was attended by about 30 corporation employees, who reflected on the past year's operational achievements and recognized outstanding employees for their contributions to the corporation's development. Additionally, the corporation announced its policy of consumer-centered management, aiming to prioritize customer happiness and satisfaction in providing the highest quality service.

Consumer-centered management is a management philosophy that places customer happiness and satisfaction as the top priority in all decision-making and business activities. The corporation emphasized its commitment to delivering the best services to achieve customer satisfaction through this approach.

Since its establishment in February 2021, the corporation has been effectively managing Kimcheon City's public facilities, contributing to the enhancement of public service quality and improving the convenience of citizens' lives. It has also faithfully fulfilled its role as a public enterprise for the citizens through various social contribution activities.

Chairman Kim Jae-kwang stated, "It is essential to constantly change and improve daily to meet the demands of citizens and facility users," and emphasized, "Based on integrity, kindness, and a sense of ownership, we will continue to strive to provide the best service."

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°­¹Ì¼÷ ±âÀÚ  apata77@hanmail.net

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